website translator plugin

NB:  Please call if you need any clarifications.      Patti: +39 328 727 3186

From ROME (coming from the SOUTH)

From Florence (coming from the NORTH)

Using google maps or asking directions, (depending on where you are...remember if you are at the airport you are not really in Rome, but at the Fiumicino airport)  ...get on the A1/E35 autostrada (highway, toll road) in the direction towards Firenze (North).
Turn off at the Valdichiana exit and then follow directions for Siena
This will put you on a four-lane highway (but not a toll road) called the Raccordo Siena - Bettole.
You will exit this road at the Asciano exit. (If you MISS the Asciano exit, you can still get to our place by exiting at Serre di Rapolano and then following signs for Asciano!!)

Follow signs for Asciano. This will take about 10 minutes and there will be curves. As you follow signs for Siena, you will end up having to drive through the (very small) town of Asciano, as the streets become one-way streets. As you exit Asciano, you'll go through a VERY narrow street (STOP at the sign with arrows if someone is coming from the opposite direction) and soon afterwards you'll come to a roundabout (go in at 6 pm and out at noon) and then an intersection where you continue headed straight on, towards SIENA (NOT Monteroni).   

You are now 6 km from the farmhouse. The easiest thing is to watch the mile markers which are set every 10th of a km.

You're looking for mile marker VIII / 10
You'll be on a curvy road. You'll pass Pievina (sign on your right) and now you are only 2 km from us. 

When you get to mile marker VIII/10, you must TURN RIGHT A FEW SECONDS LATER onto a dirt road at the sign Fontanelle.

The turn from the paved road (which flanks a brick home - not our home) is at:
43.270310 N
11.515673 E

Our farmhouse is on this road, 900 m or so. You have to first go uphill and then downhill. DO NOT MAKE ANY TURNS EVEN IF GOOGLE SAYS TO.
The coordinates for the farmhouse are:
43.271483 N
11.529497 E

Take the highway to Siena (about 71 km).
When you approach Siena follow signs for Arezzo which will put you on the Siena-Bettole highway (the SS326). 
Take the exit for Taverne D'Arbia - there are 2 exits - the fastest option is to take the 2nd exit. 
Then follow signs for Asciano
You'll pass through Arbia, and then you'll be on the Lauretana (Strada Provinciale 438) .. you may never see those words, though, you'll just follow the sign towards Asciano. You'll also see signs indicating you're on the way to Monte Oliveto. ​
The Lauretana is a splendid, panoramic, very curvy road, of the sort used in car commercials. If you drive slowly, it's wonderful. If you don't, it's dangerous. Enjoy it, don't rush, keep an eye out for the places where it is safe to take photographs, and don't block traffic. 
Every 10th of a km there is a mile marker. You'll pass signs for several hamlets (Mezzavia, S.Martino in Grania, Mucigliani). When you near the last one, Vescona, a series of back to back curves begins and lasts for 2 km. 
Right at the end of that series, at mile marker VII/10, you'll turn left onto a dirt road at the sign Fontanelle.

Start down the unpaved road. If you are "greeted" by our neighbors' sheepdogs, just ignore them. Their bark is loud, but they are harmless. Go STRAIGHT and do not listen to google maps if google maps tells you to turn left. DO NOT. Go straight UP hill and then DOWN hill. ​ DO DRIVE SLOWLY because there are some vicious speedbumps (2 at the beginning of the road and 2 at the end, for drainage).

The turn from the paved road (which flanks a brick home - not our home) is at:
43.270310 N
11.515673 E

Our farmhouse is on this road, 900 m or so.  
43.271483 N
11.529497 E


try to coordinate an approximate arrival time with me so that I can be at the farmhouse to greet you.  

If you sign up for the app WHATSAPP, I can send our GPS position and photos to guide you here. 

A word about following directions:
Signs in Italy don't always have road numbers, really - you have to make turns according to which cities are in the direction you want to go.

For example, if you are in Siena and want to go North, signs will say Firenze (Florence). If you want to go South, signs will say Roma (Rome).

Even though your map may say "SS326", the sign will say Arezzo!